Marseille in summer, gangs of young people flow through the city, by bus, scooter, scooters. They find themselves on the Corniche Kennedy, or in the creeks of Samena, Sugiton and Les Goudes, challenging each other over the weeks, to jump ever higher, at all costs, even when the Mediterranean is breaking. But why this obsession?

It is perhaps a place of confrontation, where only waves and gravity are law, and one seeks to measure its limits there to graze life, like a rite of passage to the age of man. Perhaps they also respond to a quest for immemorial sensations, the desire to experience the power of the elemental forces again, to remember that we are part of a whole.

These bodies are anchored in the immensity of the elements to regain their freedom. The light and the waves wash away the stigmata of the concrete, reminding them of their first and ancestral relationship to the world. They thus unfold with eternity, inviting us to realize that we too carry deep within us this imprint of origins.


2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris
2018 – Green Hill gallery, Berlin
2015 – Etemad gallery, Tehran
2013 – Yavuz gallery, Singapore
2013 – Wonderwall gallery, Delhi



2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris
2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris




After a short stint in the advertising industry, then to free myself from it, a long stay among Native American communities (Canada, USA, Guatemala), before living on the streets with young hobos in Victoria, Canada ( Shooting Stars Need Darkness series), I am attentive to alienating forces, whether political, social, economic or technological, that can be exerted on individuals.

It is out of reaction, and out of the need to set myself free, that I have developed several long-term projects where I am interested in the will of men to create spaces of emancipation. With Soleils Intimes, I document the singularity of the bodily expression of the Cuban people. In Marseille, through the series Bleu Infini, I give to feel the act of confrontation with the marine elements, by which groups of young people found their initiation rituals and wash themselves of digital concreteness. Finally in California, I report on a land of promise and disenchantment for Europeans in search of financial freedom (Green Rush series).

Thus, in these movements is based my photographic act, it is part of a need to commune with the other and with nature. Alive, I embrace the sensitive dimension of the world and reveal its sensuality.


2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris
2018 – Green Hill gallery, Berlin
2015 – Etemad gallery, Tehran
2013 – Yavuz gallery, Singapore
2013 – Wonderwall gallery, Delhi



2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris
2018 – Fisheye gallery, Paris